Gabi Scott brings us up to speed on Project Sonic.
Gabi, a reminder of what Sonic is about please.
The implementation of NetSuite across the Trade Ocean group ensures we will all be using the same system to manage both the operational and financial elements of our business. It provides us with a workspace to manage projects (or files), track tasks, timelines and costs, process supplier and customer invoices and payments, and generate key financial and business reports.
Why is this project so important?
This foundational system is critical for us to grow our existing business, as well as take on new ventures.
It provides real-time information to inform decision-making at all levels, reduces inefficient manual processes, improves financial reporting and empowers us to provide excellent and timeous customer service.
What will change for our customers and suppliers?
Our core business processes and the way that we interact with our customers will not change that much. They will need to familiarise themselves with documents that look different (e.g. estimates, purchase orders or invoices).
Suppliers will be able to log on to the supplier centre to view or print their purchase orders, track the status of payments and reconcile statements, making it easier to do business with Trade Ocean. With our suppliers experiencing an efficient service, we can focus more on customer excellence.
How is the roll out phase going?
AMA and Pentrade went live in May, Trade Ocean Namibia in July, and we are currently preparing for the largest roll out to Trade Ocean South Africa.
Just as each business differs slightly from each other, so each implementation has generated new learnings and insights.
How is the Trade Ocean team responding?
As with any project, it is always a team effort between the project team and the business, and this project is no exception. There are many people across Trade Ocean who have contributed many hours preparing data, attending training, providing support to their teams and demonstrating leadership, all of which are essential to project success. Continued input and support from all is critical to get us over the line!
Keep up the great work in preparing Trade Ocean for the future!