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Hanging up the hard hat.

Find out what Peter will be doing on retirement

After 45 years of service in the agency industry and over 10 years of loyal service to Trade Ocean, Peter has decided that the time is now right to hang up his hard hat and hook and take his well-deserved retirement. He will officially be on retirement as of 1 July 2017.

“Uncle Peter’s” contribution over the years as an Agent (particularly in the Japanese sector) his work ethic, sense of humour and his mentoring role to many of the “jongspan” has helped in no small measure to make Trade Ocean the company it is now. We will miss Peter and the value he brings to Trade Ocean and our clients.

But before dashing off on retirement Peter found time for a quick chat.

Peter, what are you going to be doing all day?

I have planned to indulge myself in a hobby of gardening, take a little holiday and then there’s repairs on my dream home.

You must have collected many memories over the years?

It all started when visiting Japan with David San and meeting the owners of all the fishing vessels. My fondest memory is working with the Chinese staff, especially Christopher Ding – a very colourful chap. My favourite staff member to terrorize is Hiro Shan!

You spent a lot of time with the Japanese. Tell us about them.

I like their style – they have such a clean nature. They are a hard- working and systematic nation with loads of respect for people and life.

Last thoughts?

I loved what I did for 45 years. When loving what you do, you tend to treasure the people you work with in general.

Peter, we wish you a very healthy, happy and long retirement!